
CHRIL Online Self-Paced Tutorials (3 Courses in the Series)

About the Disability and Health Insurance Online Self-Paced Tutorials

The Disability and Health Insurance Online Tutorials are built using RapidCourses, a free, self-paced learning option. They are fully accessible (508 compliant) and available 24/7, allowing you to learn at your own speed. This web-based, user-friendly curriculum is easy to navigate and is designed to provide essential, fundamental knowledge of how the Affordable Care Act’s implementation affects working age adults with disabilities. The training catalog includes:

Disability and Health Insurance: This course provides consumers and advocates a basic understanding of the U.S. health insurance market, and the challenges people with disabilities face in obtaining and maintaining affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage. The primary audience includes persons with disabilities, advocates, staff and board members of centers for independent living, members and staffs of statewide independent living councils and staffs of other organizations serving persons with disabilities.

Medicare 101: This course provides consumers and advocates a basic understanding of the Medicare program, and the many challenges faced as Medicare remains a critical source of health coverage and economic security for many.  The primary audience includes persons with disabilities, advocates, staff and board members of centers for independent living, members and staffs of statewide independent living councils and staffs of other organizations serving persons with disabilities.

Medicaid 101: Categorical Medicaid: This course provides consumers and advocates a basic understanding of the Medicaid program, and the many challenges faced as Medicare is now a major source of both health insurance coverage for children and families as well as long-term care assistance for the elderly and people who are blind or have disabilities.  The primary audience includes persons with disabilities, advocates, staff and board members of centers for independent living, members and staffs of statewide independent living councils and staffs of other organizations serving persons with disabilities.

Getting Started

To enroll in the RapidCourses online tutorials, you will need to complete the RapidCourse Registration. There is no cost to register and take the courses. Then, just follow the instructions to begin learning.

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